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Get Ready For Class

What to Bring?

If you are brand new to Jiu-Jitsu, please wear comfortable dry-wicking material to train in. Gym shorts, or leggings and dry wicking shirts with no buttons or zippers, are all appropriate. Cotton tends to hold in sweat or stretch over time when training.

Please see below more information on Jiu-Jitsu gis and non-gi clothing information.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gi

Also known as a BJJ Gi, Jiu Jitsu Kimono, etc. The word 'gi' is derived from the Japanese words 'keikogi' or 'dogi', which means "uniform for training". As such there are many types of gis out there for all the different martial arts that require this type of uniform.

It is very important that you get a gi that is made for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. This is because BJJ Gis are made of tougher material and are designed to be durable and make it difficult for your opponent to grab. A Jiu-Jitsu Gi comes with a jacket and pants, and are not usually accompanied with a belt. There are many things to consider when choosing a BJJ Gi.

Please reach out to an Instructor or Coach 'Japa' if you need to purchase a gi/kimono.

Jiu-Jitsu Belt

A BJJ Belt is functionally used to tie around your Gi top to help keep it in place. It can also be used for both offensive and defensive techniques. Most importantly though is what the belt represents: your rank and expertise with Jiu Jitsu. For beginners, this will always be a White Belt. From there it goes in the order of Blue, Purple, Brown, Black for Adults and Yellow, Orange, Green for Kids.

BJJ Belts are long as they are meant to wrap around your waist twice and still have excess length after you tie it. On one end there will be a patch with the manufacturer's logo. On the other end there is usually a black bar (red bar on black belts) where you put your stripes that indicate progress between belt levels. When sizing for a belt, choose the same size that you chose for your gi.

Rash Guards

Rash Guards are important for several reasons. First, they are made with moisture wicking material. This draws moisture away from your body, while having the cooling effect of helping sweat evaporate. It also provides thermal insulation by using material that allows air to easily flow through it - essentially creating a layer of cooling air around your torso and arms. Second, Rash Guards limit skin-on-skin contact, which helps prevent the spread of skin-born diseases like ringworm.

Rash Guards are also recommended for use under a Gi for the same reasons listed above. Additionally, it limits the rug-burn like effect of the rough gi material - especially the elbows if the rash guard is long sleeve.

Grappling Shorts

Grappling Shorts (also known as Fight Shorts, MMA Shorts and Vale Tudo shorts) are essential for no-gi BJJ. Fight Shorts are designed for the movements and technique of BJJ. First, they do not slide off easily - which is very important given the holds, grabs, and pulls that they will experience. Second, they allow for flexibility, both on the ground and for kicking if you are into MMA. Lastly, they do not have any metal objects (buttons, zippers, etc.) that can get in the way and cause damage to your opponent.

Fight Shorts come in two varieties: Board-style shorts which are loose, and Vale Tudo style shorts which are very tight and form fitting. You can also wear Gi Pants for no-gi BJJ, but keep in mind that it gives your opponent an advantage as they will have more to grab onto to control your movements.

For female grapplers, board shorts, leggings, and fitted shorts are all acceptable for training.

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